September 23: Fighting Organized Crime in the 21st Century. A Courtroom Conversation.
September 23: Fighting Organized Crime in the 21st Century. A Courtroom Conversation.

September 23: Fighting Organized Crime in the 21st Century. A Courtroom Conversation.

Date: September 23, 2015
Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Cost: $25 with 10% discount for Museum Members



  • Russian and Asian computer hackers break into U.S. government systems
  • Mexican drug cartels grow more violent along our nation’s southern borders
  • Italian Mafia expansion draws papal condemnations
  • Asia, Africa, Europe – human trafficking reaches all corners of the globe

A panel of national and regional experts on global organized crime will share their informed perspectives from the front lines of this worldwide battle.

  • What rackets attract international organized crime?
  • Who’s winning this war?
  • What can we do to protect ourselves?
  • How does the global reach of organized crime affect Las Vegas today?

Geoff Schumacher, director of content at the Museum, will moderate the event.
