The Passion of the Heist: Slot Cheat and Thief Dick Charlesworth Lifts the Lid on a Life of Crime
The Passion of the Heist: Slot Cheat and Thief Dick Charlesworth Lifts the Lid on a Life of Crime

The Passion of the Heist: Slot Cheat and Thief Dick Charlesworth Lifts the Lid on a Life of Crime

Date: March 7, 2019
Time: 7 p.m. in the Historic Courtroom
Cost: Free for Members or with Museum admission

Dick Charlesworth cheated slot machines, counterfeited money and participated in a vast array of hustles that emptied institutions (and people) of their assets.

In this rare speaking engagement, Charlesworth will provide a glimpse into how the criminal mind works. He will tell stories and explains how he and his crew got away with – and sometimes didn’t – some of the most audacious crimes in history.